Chang Jung Christian University
School Description
Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU) is a private university located in southern Taiwan. Affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, CJCU is committed to developing the God-given gifts and abilities of each student within a culture of love, respect, and service. The university was founded in 1992 but is the outgrowth of a vision that began more than one hundred years earlier with the founding of Chang Jung Senior High School, Taiwan’s first western-style high school, in 1885. CJCU is a community of approximately 11,000 students and 350 faculty members who are eager to extend the warmth and hospitality of southern Taiwan to the rest of the world. The University places a high value on its relationships with partner schools, research agencies, churches, and other organizations around the world. As a Christian university, we seek to live out a gospel message that is for all peoples. As we press toward the goal of greater internationalization, we remain committed to the beauty and diversity of local culture. We hope that, in the future, we will have the privilege of welcoming you in person to CJCU!
Why Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU)?
- CJCU emphasizes community; we believe that learning should take place in the context of caring relationships.
- CJCU emphasizes service to humanity: “to serve, not to be served.”
- As a Christian university, we value each student as an individual with unique God-given gifts and callings, and we place a strong value on justice, peacebuilding, and stewardship of the environment.
- CJCU is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church of Taiwan, a proponent of high-quality education and a strong advocate of local culture and Taiwan’s indigenous peoples. As a community made up of people from many faith backgrounds and cultures, we share a deep love for Taiwan.
- With the opening of the Shalun Line in January 2011, CJCU is the only university in Taiwan with its own rail station. The rail link makes it possible to travel from any station on the Taiwan High-Speed Rail or from Taiwan’s conventional rail system to the front gate of the University.
Why Taiwan?
- Taiwan higher education offers high value: high-quality programs for tuition rates that are low by North American and Japanese standards.
- The government of Taiwan offers a generous program of scholarships and strongly promotes study by international students at its institutions of higher learning.
- Taiwan is a democracy with political and religious freedom; it is a place where the real issues facing the global Chinese-speaking community can be freely discussed… and the Internet is not censored.
- Public safety is good; students roam happily through university neighborhoods until midnight.
- Taiwan’s National Health Insurance program is excellent.
Educational Purpose and Philosophy
Educational Purpose: Chang Jung Christian University was established in the spirit of Christian love that led Christ to lay down his life for the world. Our purpose is to cultivate scholars of the highest caliber who will be guided by the ideals of “devotion, diligence, honor, and service” to cherish our nation, contribute to society, and serve humanity. Educational Philosophy: Chang Jung Christian University seeks to carry on the historical traditions and rich cultural heritage of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan. As it pursues its goal of sustainable, holistic education, CJCU strives to continue the devotion to God, the love of wisdom, and the commitment to education shown by the early Presbyterian missionaries. It also seeks to create a campus culture that upholds democratic freedoms; advances original thinking; promotes a global worldview; imparts beauty to body, mind, and soul; and affirms the dignity and value of life. The University values diversity and openness and seeks to cultivate a lifelong love of learning, critical thinking, excellence in leadership, innovation, and vision for the future. By striving to provide the finest education possible in each of its five colleges, CJCU is responding to the divine call to “pass the torch” to the next generation and to raise up individuals of exemplary character who will excel in their fields and shine among their 21st-century contemporaries.
- Tainan
No.1, Changda Rd., Gueiren District , 71101, Tainan